Friday January 3rd, 2014
2 Shevat 5774
I just returned from the levaya, the funeral, and wanted to share with all of you just a bit about it. Its a short day - so I'll be brief.
It was so very special and very b'kavodic, everything was done with great dignity. There were many many people there (Baruch Gordon estimates 700 people, bli ayin hara) and for such short notice on a Friday morn!
Who spoke? Rav Yudi Silver, Nata Greenblatt (Rav Efraim’s youngest brother), Elazar Langsam, (Rav Efraim's son in law) read a beautiful letter from Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt, Rav Efraim's son in St. Louis, and he also spoke himself, one of Mashie's sons spoke and one of Sima's sons spoke.
They spoke of his incredible love of the Torah in all of its facets, from the seemingly most simplistic of things to the deepest and of his desire to be able to give that over to others. They spoke of his ability to relate to all different types of people - in so many ways - and how that was so apparent by all of the different types of people that they were able to impact; from 4th graders - and the unaffiliated, all types of bar mitzva boys, on and on! Memphis was mentioned lots of times, and how nestled there in Memphis was a little piece of Yerushalayim which you felt as soon as you walked into their home. They also spoke of his general persona - always with a smile - always treating everyone with such kavod, respect.
They spoke of this whole last t'kufa, period of time at Mashies house, how whatever they did - with anything - he was fine with it. He never contradicted what was going on in the house and gave Mashie and Elazar such incredible kavod, honor, all the time. These were just some of the things that were mentioned.
He was buried on Har Hamenuchos - next to Mrs. Miriam Greenblatt OB”M.
The Greenblatt’s certainly impacted all of our lives in so many vast and varied ways. It was a life well lived. as his grandson said, he truly had Arichus Yamim, length of days in that he utilized his days to the fullest.
Wishing you all a good Shabbos,
Chana Silver
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